Decisions decisions

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's 8:30pm. Chance has been in bed since 6:30pm. I've just enjoyed a leisurely dinner with Hubs while watching an episode of The Sopranos. I've done the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. And now I don't know what to do. Chance is usually only just settled by now, but we're trying an earlier bed time for a few different reasons and it seems to be agreeing with us all.

Here are my choices:
1. Go to bed - yeah right, not going to happen. What if I miss something fun!!??
2. Read my book - I'm currently reading "The Red Tent" and really enjoying it, but not sure I'm in the mood to read right now
3. Do the folding - pffft
4. Make Easter Eggs. Decision made...

In the mean time, here is an embarrassing photo!! (Embarrassingly cute that is!) Matchies!!! I saw this top at an op-shop for $2 and just HAD to buy it so I could match my little man. This is SO going to come back to haunt him in 18 years... Hee hee!

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