Wow. I haven't had a holiday like that since.... well.... to be honest? Probably since our honeymoon! Hubs and I took our 14-year-old Nephew Nathan down to Sorrento for 5 days over Easter and it was just the best!! We had no visiting schedules, no commitments, just 5 glorious days with Victoria's finest weather to do whatever we pleased! Now THAT'S a holiday! I couldn't decide which photos to cut out, so I just put all my favourite ones in!
We got up late-ish most days and went for a walk after brekky. Hubs' Dad, Poppy, took us along a few of the walking tracks near the beach. Poppy has spent a lot of time exploring those tracks, so he took us to see some great views!
Hubs, Neph Nath & Poppy

Yes, Hubs IS the King of the world!!

This is a really dodgy photo, but I was trying to capture the 4 generations, sitting around the fire. Poppy, Grandad, Neph Nath and Hubs.

Neph Nath's favourite thing to do for the weekend - the good old-fashioned wheelbarrow ride!

Hubs cooking oysters Kilpatrick on the BBQ. No slumming it for us! We also had garlic prawns, smoked cod, honey soy chicken and steaks! (Not all at once, clearly!)

Oh, and not to mention the fine wine we had! 1976 WAS a great year!

Some rellies who came down on Easter Saturday for a visit, with Grandad (far left) and Nanna (far right). (And can you see the kombi in the background!!)

Wifey starting a fire. I had my cocky pants on, and was strutting around saying "look at that stack! This is going to be a great fire!" Unfortunately, it took 2 goes to get it going!

But, you know, better late than never!

Granted, it wasn't as big as Neph Nath's and Hubs' fire :-)

We really did have such a great time. It took me back to my childhood where we used to spend most of our holidays at Lake Cootharaba or on the Burrum River. Just chilling out, reading, swimming, (except that I didn't go swimming at Sorrento. Are you crazy!? Do you know how cold the water is down here!?!) and cooking on the BBQ. I feel so rested and relaxed - I want to bottle this feeling so whenever I get a little stressed or mopey or apathetic, I can just spray a bit in the air and remember how good life really is.
Oh and I love this photo of Neph Nath at the top of the
Eureka Tower. It looks like he's peeing on Melbs! Tee hee!!!!
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10:09 AM