Monday, February 22, 2010
As many of you witnessed, and as some of you heard, I turned 30 in January. I hope I don't sound like I'm in denial, but I'm really not too fussed about turning 30, because, as they say, you're only as old as the man you feel, and since Hubs just had his 21st birthday last year, I'm still a spring chicken! Ha ha.... Actually, if truth be told, my ageing stopped around 26, as it was such a great year for me. I know physically, I'm feeling older each year, and hopefully I'm becoming more mature (boring!) and sensible (if only!) but really I'm feeling pretty damn good!
Anyway, back to the party! The usual suspects were there, and I had an amazing time! My bro brought along some of his home brew on tap which was SO awesome, and as usual, my Dad manned the BBQ while Mum coordinated the activity in the kitchen. It was most certainly one of the best birthdays I've ever had, and perhaps one of the last I'll be having at Mum and Dad's place which makes me a bit sad. I've had almost all of my birthdays there, with parties ranging from sleepovers with a few gal-pals, to 12-hour-long bonanzas. I've had themes such as a "nerd party", one-day-cricket party, a 70s Hippy party, and a Mexican Fiesta (oh boy).
This year's theme was "Wear something you bought on holiday" which gave me the opportunity to frock up in my silk transformer dress that I bought in New York. It's the first time I'd worn it as a dress instead of a skirt (more than meets the eye!) and it looked HOT! Oh, and it WAS hot. Summer in Brisbane - gotta love it!
Enough of my rambling. I can hear what your saying. "SHOW ME THE PHOTOS!!!"
I am concerned about the lack of a candle on NZ :P
It was a great bday Renae!
There are 2 candles there on NZ! You just have to look REALLY hard! They are the orange and red candles. I enlarged the photo for your viewing pleasure!