Little Cupcakes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whilst my good friend A-dele was visiting a couple of weeks ago, we stumbled upon the most delightful little cupcake shop called, well, Little Cupcakes! And I gotta say they were little beauties!!

I would be most happy to take anyone along for a treat when they come to visit! (jazzy cat - you are going to LOVE this place if you haven't tried it out already!!)

We teamed up with our friend Tegan from high school and had the belgium button chocolate cupcakes.

2 comments: to “ Little Cupcakes so far...


    NO WAY! They look beauties...but I've learnt the hard way that beauty does not necessarily equal beautiful taste! Was it scrummy?! Am I going to have to travel to Melbourne to fulfill my cupcake cravings?!


    Dude, it was SO scrummy! Adele and I had one the day before - the frosting was divine but the cupcake was just okay. But the next day we had the chocolate ones and they were just ALL GOOD!!! You may have to travel...