Crackin' the funnies

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So we were at the table last night during formal dinner and Hubs and I were talking to our good friend Liza about things we've lost. I put Hubs' keys in a VERY safe place before we went to the USA and now I can't for the life of me remember where that safe place is. Grrrr. Liza told us that she let her 3 year old son play with her wedding rings which she has NEVER done before, and sure enough within an hour they were also put in a safe place. (This is going somewhere - stay with me!) She ended up finding 2 out of 3 of the rings, but her wedding ring is still hiding somewhere.

Wifey: "maybe our keys are with your ring, and they're busy making KEY RINGS!!!!" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! (I'm getting visions of Lucy from Peanuts roaring with laughter at my wit!!)

3 comments: to “ Crackin' the funnies so far...


    Hahahaha! Actually if Hubs played piano i could imagine you two doing a passable impression of Schroeder and Lucy :)


    That's so true! I'll have to get Hubs practicing. I LOVE Peanuts! I'm currently reading (albeit VERY slowly) the Biography of Charles Schulz. Really interesting stuff! I hope to one day own the complete collection of Peanuts comics. That would be awesome.


    My hilltop tickets are presumably still in their safe place. Not sure how I'll feel should I ever discover them since concert was a month ago.