We have been living on college for 10 days now, and if you had asked me yesterday how it was going, then I would have said "pretty good" but today I would say it's going really well! We had our first SCR (Senior Common Room) dinner last night and it was really great. We now feel like we're a part of a community, instead of being the newbies. Our room is starting to feel more like a home since we've found places for most of our stuff.
Here's what the place looked like before we unpacked:

And this was during the unpacking: (eeeeeeeek!)

And these was taken Saturday after lunch. Home sweet Home!

We are quite comfortable in our 2 rooms plus bathroom. The meals are all eaten in "The Dome" and we are yet to have our first formal dinner, which take place Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Apparently it's quite la-di-da! Hubsband has to wear a suit and tie and I can wear pretty much anything except jeans, as long as it looks classy! And we have our first Black Tie dinner and welcoming Mass next Friday which should be heaps of fun too.
There are quite a few people around our age and a few are in the same course as Hubs. I seem to be the odd one out, not currently adding to a HECS debt (I already have one!!) so I feel a bit out of the loop in some ways, but everyone is making us feel very welcome.
I'll leave you all with the view we have every morning when we step out of our front door. We will be attending our first Mass tomorrow evening and we're a little nervous about not knowing all the moves (Catholic services always feel like a carefully choreographed sequence, and I forgot to turn up to rehearsals!) Apparently the messages are very good though. We'll keep you posted!
The Chapel
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9:38 AM