I was just sitting here at work and I noticed that my engagement ring was a bit dirty so I gave her a bit of a clean and now she's sparkling once again. I think Hubs did a brilliant job choosing my engagement rings.
The first one, with which he proposed, is a Puzzle Ring. For those of you who don't know the story, Hubs took me aside while we were on Day Camp, where we had met 7 years prior, and gave me the ring, and after proposing, said "Life with me is going to be full of challenges." He then took the puzzle ring apart and said "and here's your first one." It was a LOT of fun putting it back together again (after declining kind offers from the 12-year-olds in my group to "help") and I wore it proudly. I was engaged to the most amazing man on earth and he had given me a beautiful ring that was gorgeous and nerdy. Just like him. What more could a gal ask for?
A few days later, he presented me with this:

A platinum, tension set diamond ring. It is stunning. It really blew me away then, and I still catch myself admiring it. A lot.
Again, it's a bit nerdy, with the tension setting, and Hubs chose it because it was so different and because it is, I'm sure he would say, "teyodally awesome".
And it is. I love it. Thanks honey x x
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11:59 AM