The last day
Friday, June 6, 2014
Yibbeda yibbeda. That's all folks. It's been a fun month, and I've enjoyed the challenge of writing every day. Some days I've really looked forward to sitting down and writing, other days it's been a bit hard, but it's been good being accountable to you folk out there, waiting every day for a post to be published :-)
So what have I achieved in my month of "recharge and reset"?
I did a lot of walking. Even though the frequency dropped off a bit in the last week or so, whenever there was a choice between staying home on the couch, or heading outdoors, I was almost always able to get myself moving.
I got a lot of sleep. Like, a sleep-in til almost 9am almost every day. Thanks Mum.
I crossed off 2 things on my 101 in 1001 days - this Nablopomo, and not chewing my nails for a month. They look totally amazing and I'm not going back. Hubs and I had a weekend away together and I also started a few as well, like painting my nails and getting a lot done towards my new blog. I didn't do so well on the stretching, but it's more of a priority now as my pregnancy advances.
I wrote every day for a month. Woo! And I don't think I whinged too much. I hope.
I have been nourished and fulfilled by my wonderful family and beautiful supportive friends. I feel motivated and energised for our return to Mount Isa, and can't wait to just be with Hubs again. I've really missed him.
So. One more sleep-in, an early morning for our flight back Sunday, and it's back to reality and full-time parenting. And it's going to be great :-)
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