Who is Wifey?

Welcome! My name is Renae and I have been blogging since July 2008. I started this blog to keep friends and family in the loop when my Hubs and I moved to Melbourne from Brisbane. Since then we have moved 6 more times, with more moves to come I'm sure! I was unsure how committed I would be to blogging, as I have a tendency to throw myself into things, only to get bored. But after over 5 years and more than 750 posts, I'm still here!

A bit about me: I am a very self-aware person which is both a blessing and a curse. I am enthusiastic about getting as much out of life as I can, most of the time. Other times I'm embarrassingly lazy and would sit in front of the TV all day if we had one. (One of the reasons we don't have one!!) I love to bake and do crafty things and would love to do more sewing. I have tried my hand at many sports, but find that I enjoy walking with a friend, personal training, or doing classes at the gym the most enjoyable. (Though, I get bored with the gym very easily too!) Breakfast is my favourite meal to go out for, and I will always say yes to meeting up for a coffee.
I have a 3 year old son Chance (Chanbe) and a 1 year old girl named Quinn who was born in Feb 2013. I love my kids more than I ever realised was possible. They bring so much joy to our lives and I'm enjoying watching them grow into lovely little people. We hope to be adding to the family in the not-too-distant future, and Hubs and I joke about having 7 kids - to fill the kombi!

Frith, (Hubs) is currently a Resident at Mount Isa Hospital after completing his post-grad studies in Melbourne. He studied through the rural program, hence all the moving around. He previously studied Engineering and IT in Brisbane, and is also finishing off his engineering PhD. He taught me how to be completely honest and vulnerable in a relationship, and I still marvel at the fact that I can talk to him about anything without hesitation. He has so many hobbies that keep him busy outside of work and they vary depending on the town we live in. He loves to try new things, and that enthusiasm rubs off on me a lot which is great! Hubs has dreadlocks (one of the "new things" I tried) that I put in for him in April 2009 and he drives a kombi which his Dad bought new in 1976, but he insists he's no hippy!

Hubs and I met in 1999 at a church camp but didn't get together until he moved to my church and put "operation make Renae fall in love with me" into action in 2006 - it's all about the timing! Once we were together, we both knew that was it, and married a year later. I became one of those annoying people who said things like "when you meet the right person, you just know." We have a few things in common but are different in many ways which makes things very interesting and challenging, and very enriching as well.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and feel free to drop me a line sometime.