2 more sleeps!
Friday, January 16, 2009
TIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm so excited. I LOVE celebrating my birthday. I have a party every year! This year's party is going to be a bit different though, with the only "familiar" face being that of Hubs. I mean, I'll know everyone who attends, but the usual suspects won't be there. But it will still be GREAT!
It will also be cold, which is not something I'm used to in January. We're having drinks tomorrow and the top temp will be 21 degrees! Chilly! We'll just have to drink to keep warm.
Here's a few happy snaps from my Mexican Fiesta Party last year:
The cake Lsl made for me:
TEQUILA!! Lick, Sip, Suck baby!
And it wouldn't be a Mexican party without a Pinata. (It started off as a Llama!)
It got a little interesting towards the end, after drinking concoctions of Sangria, Tequila and vodka. Oh! And add a cigar for good measure! Ha!'
One of my best birthdays ever! Let's see what shenanigans we can get up to this year! Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeee!
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