Cutie cuties

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So just because I can, I would like to show off my gorgeous Godson and his super-cute new baby brother. Hubs took these photos while we were visiting Brizzie a couple of weekends ago and I can't stop looking at them!!!

Mmmmmm.... babies..... Alex was 1 month old when we went to visit, and just so damn cute.

 Liam acting all serious in between giggle-fits! How gorgeous is my Godson!?

It was so easy looking after Alex! I really don't know what all the fuss is about. 
(Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm sure I'll find out soon enough!!)

It was so nice hanging out with the boys and Mama and Papa as well. We had a cruisey morning with only a little bit of spew and poop, and LOTS of baby cuddles and toddler giggles. Thanks guys! T'was so much fun!

2 comments: to “ Cutie cuties so far...


    Argh!!! not the baby pics (very cute), but why the theme change?! I quite liked the old colour scheme :(


    Yeah yeah. I just got a bit "colour-happy". Although, I'm not quite happy with what I chose. I just got a bit bored with the plain white. It's fun! Plus I figure most people read it on google reader these days anyway.
    Hee hee! I thought you might comment on both the pics and the colour change...