The first 24 hours
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The kids and I touched down in Brisbane 24 hours ago. My head is still quite fuzzy and my eyelids are heavy, but after a lovely big, snuggly sleep in, I'm feeling a bit more refreshed. Yesterday afternoon, all I wanted to do was to curl up on the couch and have a snooze, but I decided to go for a walk instead. I'm really wanting to make good use of my time down here; to recharge and reset, and I knew that if I went for a walk yesterday, I'd be more likely to go for a walk today.
On my hour long walk, I decided that this would be the perfect month for another NaBloPoMo, as per #75 on my 101 in 1001 challenge. There are a number of things I want to achieve in this month, mainly focused on my health, both mental and physical. For instance, I'd like to aim to walk 5 times a week, do my sit ups and push ups challenge (#3) and stretch for 10 minutes each day (#4). Yesterday I went for a walk and did the sit ups and push ups. I think first thing in the morning would be good for my stretch, so I need to incorporate that into my morning routine.
I also just want to write more. I want to write about things that excite me and fulfill me, instead of whinging about my life at the moment. I've done enough of that and I've had enough of that. My family and friends nourish and fulfill me, so there will be a lot about them featured on the blog this month. Hubs joins us tomorrow for 9 blissful days. We are having 2 nights away, just the 2 of us this weekend (#29 on my challenge list!) and I can't wait. Hubs has been working very long hours for a while and we just haven't had time to connect which isn't any good for anyone.
I'm going to try and tick a few things off my 101 in 1001 days list, as I'm falling a little behind. This will also give me some good content for my NaBloPoMo. So today is day #1 and I will finish on the 6th of June. I know it's a little unorthodox not to start on the 1st of the month and finish on the last, but that's how I roll. Sometimes rules need to be stretched a little, and since I hardly pushed the limits growing up, I have some catching up to do.
See you tomorrow.
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