South African Animals
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I'm going to mainly let the photos speak for themselves in this post. These animals were mostly seen at Kruger park, and a couple of other game parks we visited. You could get so close!! Scary!
Cheeky Zebra (you can just imagine it going "heeeyyeeee" kinda like The Fonz)
Cheeky Monkey (and baby!) (this is one of my favourite photos!!)
Gorgeous Giraffes (we think they were canoodling!)
Impossible impala (what?... I'm running out of words. Can you do better?)
Ossie Ostrich (?)
A red-billed hornbill (aka Zazu from The Lion King)
And while we're talking about The Lion King, here's Pride Rock!! (okay, so it's not as impressive as the one Mufasa comanded from, but there were lions nearby, so clearly it was Pride Rock.)

("aaaaayazenyaaaaah mudiwi' chadiwa" "hummmmm")
(YOU try spelling it...)
"When he was a young warthog."
"When I was a young wart hoogggggggggggggggg"
"Very nice"
"Thank you"
(damn these things were cuuuuuuute)
Plenty more animals to come!!! Stay tuned...
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